A downloadable game for Windows

BrikSim is set in the mind of the character you play, after they got into an accident whilst on the roads. you are tasked with escaping and overcoming the fears of the main character, while the corrupt side of the main character tries to stop you.

Currently, BrikSim is incomplete, but in active development. it lacks the majority of the storyline, however does incorporate the themes expected to be portrayed by the narrator.

If you are interested in following BrikSim's development more closely, you can watch the demos on YouTube, or join the discord. 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@briksim

Discord: https://discord.gg/T8FBzet9Z


This can be viewed in-game for a better experience.

Developed by:
PixdevMP - Developer, Co-Founder.
DrDriedFried - Co-Founder.
Quudax - Naming idea.
goomse_ - yellowman artwork.
thexstuntsman - Extensive Assistance.

Voice Acting (Beta 2.0 and below) by:
Quudax - Doctor (Level 1)
PixdevMP - Text Lines

Voice Acting (Beta 2.0.1 and beyond) by:
Quudax - Doctor (Level 1)
PixdevMP - Child (Level 2)
denshaboy05 - Man (Level 3)

Playtesting / Extra help by:

Names may not represent online presence, this is just how these people wish to be represented in BrikSim.

BrikSim Utility Tool:

This Tool is used for playing versions older that B1.4, due to a bug, if you want to set your resolution in that version you need to do it through the utility tool. Alternatively using a version that is B1.4 or newer. 


I do not own the majority of the textures currently present in the game, however I plan to release a update in the future where I replace all of them.

if you are the rightful owner of any asset in the most recent version of BrikSim, and wish to remove it from the game, contact me via email, briksimgame+support@gmail.com 


Thank you for your interest in BrikSim, no matter how small it may be.


BrikSim B2.1.1 For Windows. 339 MB
BrikSim B2.1 For Windows. 336 MB
BrikSim B2.0.2 For Windows. 316 MB
BrikSim B2.0.1 For Windows. 338 MB
BrikSim B2.0 For Windows. 337 MB
BrikSim B1.9.1 For Windows. 255 MB
BrikSim B1.9 For Windows. 255 MB
BrikSim B1.8 For Windows. 231 MB
BrikSim B1.7 For Windows. 206 MB
BrikSim B1.6 For Windows. 206 MB
BrikSim B1.5 For Windows. 115 MB
BrikSim B1.4 For Windows. 88 MB
BrikSim Utility Tool V1.1 (Info In Description). 29 MB
BrikSim B1.3 For Windows. 82 MB
BrikSim B1.2 For Windows.
BrikSim B1.1 For Windows. 57 MB
BrikSim B1.0 For Windows. 55 MB

Install instructions

Choose the newest version of BrikSim for the best BrikSim experience, or choose an older version (Not as stable and lack major features, Historical purposes only).

Download the target version, extract it using programs like 7-zip or WinRAR and open the "BrikSim" Application.

Currently Windows will prevent BrikSim from being opened, to proceed, press "More Info" in the bottom left, after a button saying "Run Anyway" will show, click that and BrikSim will start. 

If you have chosen a version that is:
1. BrikSim B1.9.
2. BrikSim B1.8.
3. BrikSim B1.7.
4. BrikSim B1.5, B1.6, B1.7, B1.8.
5. BrikSim B1.3, B1.2, B1.1, B1.0,

You MUST Read the item that match below.

1. BrikSim Beta 1.9.
BrikSim Beta 1.9 added improved discord support, as well as general script deletion, due to an oversight, the music room in this version has no collisions, causing the player to fall through forever, if playing this version, avoid using the music room.
If you want to play a Beta 1.9 version with the music room, play BrikSim B1.9.1 instead.

2. BrikSim Beta 1.8.
BrikSim Beta 1.8 is the first version to include a FOV slider in the game, however the first time playing B1.8 will make it state the slider is halfway set, however like the sensitivity it actually is 0 and requires you to set it to half way, this bug has been fixed in B1.9

3. BrikSim Beta 1.7.
BrikSim Beta 1.7 added a lot of scripts and new game assets to the project, like the torch, due to a issue that did not appear in the editor, the bricks that you pick up in part 2 of level 2 only pick up half the time, if this happens don't worry, it's just a visual glitch!
The Bricks will always pickup and allow you to finish the level it is just going to be harder to find all 4 Bricks to progress

4. BrikSim Beta B1.5, B1.6, B1.7, B1.8.
BrikSim B1.5 added Data Saving, a way to save your options like audio and sensitivity, due to an issue, the sensitivity (and later versions FOV) is set to 1 on default, this bug has been found and patched in Beta 1.9. This will only happen once when you first start the game for the first time.

5. BrikSim Beta B1.3, B1.2, B1.1, B1.0.
This is a major bug that was not prevalent until Beta 1.4, with the addition of the Resolution settings, due to a decision to keep all versions internally as “BrikSim” ; they all use the same settings data and resolution data. That causes a bug where versions that cannot change the resolution themselves will always use the settings from a newer version, to combat this issue, you have 2 choices, however I recommend choice 1.
Choice 1 is to download and use the BrikSim Utility Tool, this is a version of BrikSim with only the Fullscreen and resolution settings, it starts quick and uses less storage space.
Choice 2 is to just use a newer version with the resolution dropdown to change the dropdown, this is convenient if you have it already on your computer which i assume you do as it is strange to use older versions.

Development log

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